All requests for Accessible Tickets and Passes must be received by 5pm Saturday 25th July 2025. Please be aware these are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. These facilities are intended for people with long term disabilities and health conditions. Unfortunately we are not able to provide any specific support to people with temporary injuries.
We aim to operate a case-by-case basis as we appreciate that each guest may have different requirements. If you have any questions, have a requirement that hasn’t been catered for in these details, or want to submit another form of evidence which is not outlined in this page then please email us details via
Companion ticket at no extra cost
We offer companion tickets at no extra cost for people who would be unable to attend the festival alone due to their disability. These can be added to your basket at the same time as purchasing your other tickets. You will then be sent a link to the form to upload your evidence which must be completed within 30 days of purchase. If you have purchased your tickets through our official resellers Twickets or need to add a companion ticket to your order please email
Companion tickets are only available if you have purchased a student or adult ticket, and they would be unable to attend on their own. The companion must be aged 16 or over. If you are attending with a disabled child under the age of 18 who has very high care needs, please contact us to discuss your ticketing needs.
Accessible Campsite
It is not necessary to book a pass to camp in the accessible campsite if you do not require a vehicle in the campsite.
Accessible Live-in Vehicle Pass
This pass allows you to have a live-in vehicle (campervan or caravan) within the accessible camping area. You will be allocated a 6m wide pitch, this is usually enough room for one vehicle and a large awning/tent/gazebo or two vehicles and a medium size awning/tent/gazebo. Please be aware there are no power or water hook-ups for vehicles.
Accessible Campsite Vehicle Pass
This pass will allow you to park your car next to your tent. Please note this is only allocated if your access needs require you to have continual access to your car. You must explain your specific need for this pass in your request form. Please use the accessible car park to pass if at all possible.
You will not be able to move your vehicle at all times during the festival as such this pass is not recommended if you may need to leave site for any reason.
Accessible Car Park Pass
The accessible car park is 100m from the box office and accessible campsite. With an accessible car park pass you will be able to use the drop-off zone in the campsite to unload and reload. Stewards will be on hand to assist with baggage if required.
Viewing platform wristband
There are viewing platforms at the Mountain Stage, Far Out Stage, Walled Garden Stage, Rising Stage and in Chai Wallahs. There will also be soft viewing areas at our other areas across the festival including a viewing area next to the Green Man burning on Sunday night. These platforms are solely for the use of disabled festival goers plus one adult companion and any dependent children. Please note that if these platforms are extremely busy, companions may be asked to move to the back of the platform so there is enough room for everyone who needs to sit down to see. Accessible toilets will be located next to each viewing platform.
Assistance Dogs
All customers who are considering bringing an assistance dog to our festival must request for consent before the event by contacting The following rules must be followed:
- Assistance dogs must be wearing a working jacket whilst in the entertainment area.
- Owners are responsible for their dog’s behaviour and for cleaning up after them by disposing of waste in the designated dog waste bin located in the Accessible Campsite.
Green Man reserves the right to turn away dogs at the gate who do not comply with this process or meet the requirements of an assistance animal.
Evidence Accepted
If you are requesting a companion ticket or a vehicle pass we will require a scan or digital photo of one of the following pieces of evidence to support your request:
- Access card with the +1 symbol (for companion ticket) and/or the Distance or Wheelchair symbol (for vehicle passes).
- For companion tickets: a confirmation letter showing receipt of the ‘Daily Living’ component of PIP or DLA dated with an expiry date after the date of the festival.
- For vehicle passes: a confirmation letter showing receipt of the ‘Getting Around’ or ‘Mobility’ component of PIP or DLA dated with an expiry date after the date of the festival
- If you are currently in the process of appealing a PIP decision, please contact us to discuss other evidence you may use.
- A confirmation of letter showing receipt of Attendance Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance dated within the last 12 months.
- Both sides of your Blue Badge (vehicle passes only).
- Proof of registration as severely sight impaired.
- Proof of diagnosis of being on the autistic spectrum.
- A letter from a doctor or other medical professional confirming you could not attend the festival alone (for companion tickets) and/or you have a disability or medical condition that requires you to use the accessible campsite or car park (for vehicle passes).