In a world where data is a colossal force but underrepresentation is rife, where AI is accelerating but life expectancy is stalling, and where distrust in institutions is declining when we need it most, how can we find solutions to the biggest challenges facing health and care? This talk touches upon the ethics of AI and data in healthcare via 19th century wool mills and modern day asylum systems, and invites you to share your thoughts about what a better world could look like.

Ellen Coughlan is the Community Director for Data Science for Health Equity, an international community seeking to make sure that the latest research, innovations and practice in data science improve health equity. Ellen also manages funding programmes at the Health Foundation; over the past five years she has awarded over £4m to projects across the NHS and social care system seeking to advance the use of AI and data to improve health and healthcare. She is currently reading law at Bristol, exploring social justice and AI regulation.